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Service Assurance to Star in 5G Network Slicing Successes


As operators strive to monetize their large 5G investments in new infrastructure and capability, they face challenges of rapid software changes and feature requirements, demanding new strategies in testing and assurance. Learn how network slicing and service assurance are positioned to play a major role in achieving the promise of 5G.

As 5G rolls out around the world, the pressure is on operators to monetize substantial investments in spectrum and new infrastructure. Improved consumer connectivity will be part of the revenue mix. But operators are looking to business services and support across verticals to power 5G monetization in a major way.

No matter how you slice it, service assurance is set to play a starring role.

Business customers bring big demands

Businesses want high-performing services tailored to their needs. One-size-fits-all need not apply in a hyper-customized world.

For example, they may require highly reliable low latency communications or want access to increased bandwidth at a moment’s notice. These customers have specific quality of service expectations and need to know that the agreed upon quality has been provided. For critical services like telemedicine and autonomous vehicles, performance degradation is a non-starter.

5G has been designed to meet these discerning needs. Its power comes from a fundamental capability to respond to service and network demands dynamically, in real-time.

5G’s distributed and disaggregated, cloud-based and event-driven architecture provides agile resource allocation, edge-based services with ultra-low latency, and much more. Operators face challenges of rapid software changes and feature requirements, driving the practice of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) into the network. By decoupling the software from the hardware, operators can deploy code updates rapidly and frequently to meet business challenges faster than before.


Operators face challenges of rapid software changes and feature requirements, driving the practice of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) into the network.

Network slicing is a big breakthrough, but with a quality-related catch

5G opens the door to the delivery of network slices that can be scaled up or down as needed based on the needs of the service they support. The promise of flexible network slicing enables service providers to charge differently for varying classes of traffic requesting specific performance levels. These requirements become part of service-level agreement (SLA) contracts with the business customer to ensure the network is delivering as planned.

Demonstrating the infrastructure is actually meeting the quality SLA of each logical slice requires measuring and reporting the relevant key performance indicators (KPIs). Such proof is especially important for critical applications like emergency services. The implications of SLAs on service providers and the opportunities they provide are described in more detail in an article we recently wrote for Data Centre Review.

There’s a major challenge, though: while 5G sets the stage for new, promising services such as network slicing, its architectural and technical innovations have major implications on how the quality of those services can be assured.

How service assurance takes network slicing to new heights

Network slicing demands stakeholders consider the role service assurance can play in bringing demanding use cases over the performance finish line, including:

  • End-to-end visibility into the network for any service instance across any network slice

  • Network and service monitoring in real-time

  • Performance monitoring across multiple geographic and technology domains

  • Analysis of SLA KPIs in real time

  • Active testing to monitor, troubleshoot, and isolate continuous network updates

  • Dynamic scalability to meet changing network requirements

Service assurance is expanding beyond an end-to-end network view to also include a holistic view across the full-service lifecycle with efficient, cost-effective management and automation of real-time events.

In our next post, we’ll dive into the service assurance deployment strategies and considerations shaping network slicing design.

Learn more about our Service Assurance solutions.

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Justin Robinson

Lead Solution Architect

Justin has worked globally with Tier 1 CSPs for more than 30 years architecting and delivering solutions across domains in wireline and wireless technologies, cloud infrastructures, and OSS solutions supporting real time network requirements. He has worked with both NEMs and CSPs in evangelizing and implementing new technologies focused on meeting business value with operational optimization. With Spirent, Justin is a lead Solution Architect with the Managed Solutions Group delivering solutions that meet the challenges CSPs have in unprecedented network change from the Lab to the Live implementation and operations.