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PNT & GNSS Roadshow

Tue, August 15, 2023 - Thu, August 17, 2023

Bringing greater realism into testing can help you to save time and money, generating more representative results and cutting the need for expensive and time-consuming field testing. On top of this, highly repeatable, reliable, and traceable solutions mean developers can locate, isolate, and iterate more quickly and more effectively.

Join us for lunch and a discussion of the following topics:

  • The challenges and benefits of realism in GNSS/PNT testing
  • The evolution of PNT - GNSS, inertial, sensor fusion, and LEO PNT (including our certified test solution for Xona signals)
  • An overview of how Spirent PNT simulation systems are helping to deliver better products faster
  • How Geospatial Augmentation of GNSS can deliver 50% improvement in positioning performance

12:00pm – Lunch
12:30pm – 2:30pm – Discussion & Demos



Multiple locations - see above

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