GNSS Foresight

Know where and when GNSS will be reliable, and improve performance


Enabling safe and reliable autonomous navigation using GNSS

Situational awareness is key to autonomous operations. Knowing where and when your system will perform enables optimized mission planning and improved performance. GNSS Foresight uses 3D geospatial maps, cloud computing, and precision orbital modeling to give you a clear picture of GNSS coverage for planning and GNSS satellite availability to improve GNSS receiver performance.

Foresight for AviationRight arrow icon

Foresight for AutomotiveRight arrow icon

Comply with BVLOS Navigation Requirements

Degraded GNSS reception is a deal breaker that, if left unsolved, could block the path to FAA exemption compliance or regulatory approval for UAS BVLOS. Discover how to unlock the future of unmanned drone navigation with GNSS reliability forecasting.

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Unearth Autonomous Mining Operations

As GNSS satellite lines of sight change within the variation in topography of a mine, GNSS performance can be good one minute and poor the next. With GNSS forecasting, mining operators can avoid unexpected failures of autonomous equipment, inaccurate survey, the choosing the wrong equipment for the environment, and inefficient equipment utilization.

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Automotive Urban Autopilots

GNSS performance in urban environments can be poor and unpredictable. GNSS Foresight Live is a Geospatial Augmentation that can aide a GNSS receiver in choosing the best satellites. Foresight enables the receiver to know which GNSS satellites are line-of-sight, helping reduce the impact of multipath, and improving the performance of a GNSS receiver in urban environments.

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Features & Datasheets

Leverage your technology

GNSS Foresight delivers crucial operational information for beyond visual line-of-sight operations, drawing on:

  • Trusted satellite orbit models

  • High-definition 3D maps

  • The industry’s leading signal environment computation engine

Data output from GNSS Foresight can be integrated with user systems to deliver optimized mission planning, reduced risk, increased reliability, and regulatory compliance.

GNSS Foresight datasheet for aviation
GNSS performance forecasting tool for aviation delivered via subscription service
GNSS Foresight datasheet for automotive
GNSS performance forecasting tool for automotive delivered via subscription service
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Learn how GNSS Foresight could benefit your business